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Lidl workers in France begin unlimited strike over Sunday opening plans

02/06/25  -  The Connexion

Tesco slammed over new opening hours which shoppers say scream 'greed'

02/03/25  -  Yahoo News

Chick-fil-A's Sunday policy praised by church leaders

02/02/25  -  Christian News

Your Sabbath Questions Answered

Shouldn't we keep Sunday in honor of the resurrection?
While many wonderful events in the Bible occurred on certain days of the week, there is no direct command from God to keep them holy.

For instance, Jesus died for our sins on a Friday. That is arguably the most significant event in all of history, marking the moment our death sentence was commuted and our opportunity for salvation assured. But not even one Bible text hints that we should observe this day of such great significance.

However, there is indeed a memorial of the resurrection commanded in the Bible, but it is not keeping Sunday holy. Instead, the apostle Paul wrote, "We were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the ...
Can the true seventh day be located?
Some teach that through various calendar changes and other factors, the true seventh day of the week cannot be accurately identified. But this is simply not true. Here are four evidences that help us identify the true Sabbath today:

1. The sixth day, seventh day, first day ...

According to Scripture, Christ died on Friday, the sixth day of the week, and rose on Sunday, the first day of the week. Practically all churches acknowledge this fact when they observe Good ...
Doesn’t Hebrews 4 mean Jesus is our Sabbath rest?
Some teach that Hebrews 4 defines the seventh-day Sabbath commandment in the Decalogue as a shadow-type law pointing forward to a spiritual rest in Christ. They view the Sabbath in the same way the Old Testament sacrifices pointed forward to Christ's atoning death on the cross. They teach that once we have found "spiritual rest" in Christ, we no longer need to observe the Sabbath day, and that keeping the seventh day is a form of bondage and an act of personal works.

It is true that the primary message of Hebrews 4 is to emphasize the believer's rest of grace. The main point in Hebrews 3:7-4:11 ...

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Sabbath Articles

Shouldn't we keep Sunday in honor of the resurrection?
Doesn’t Hebrews 4 mean Jesus is our Sabbath rest?
Separation of Church and State
Sunday Laws in America [Blue Laws]
What Are Blue Laws?
If we are not obliged to do what the law literally requires, then may we also literally kill, steal, and commit adultery?
In Exodus 31:14 we read that Sabbath violators were to be stoned to death. Do you believe the same penalty should be enforced today? If you say that the penalty feature of the Sabbath law is done away, then you have really declared the Sabbath abolished, for a law has no force if there is no penalty provided for its violation. Again, in Exodus 35:3 we read that no fires were to be kindled on the Sabbath. If you believe the Sabbath law is still in force, why do you kindle fires on that day?
New Jersey Megamall Defies Sunday Laws
Denominal Statements on the Sabbath

Denominational Statements on the Sabbath

Take which you will, either of the Fathers or the moderns, and we shall find no Lord's day instituted by any apostolical man­date; no Sabbath set on foot by them upon the first day of the week.
PETER HEYLYN, History of the Sabbath, page 410.