Sabbath Truth - Sunrise over Mountains
The Sabbath Blog

Enforcing the Sabbath?

Enforcing the Sabbath?

A local community organization in Scotland recently requested use of a public swimming pool on Sunday, a day on which city parks and facilities have been traditionally closed. Their request was denied, so the group appealed. Now a growing number of community members, including the Scottish Secular Society, have also pressed the city council on this issue.

When city officials stated that funds were not available to open the pool on Sundays, the group raised the money and presented a check to cover the expenses. One council members is still reluctant to give permission, saying, “It is a matter of conscience for me as I have to stand up for what I believe in and that is in god. Before my election, my personal leaflet distributed to the electorate stated a commitment to uphold Christian values ‘if elected’ and I believe in the fourth commandment. ‘Remembering the Sabbath day, to keep it holy’ is one such value.”

In the USA, Sunday “blue laws” are still on the books in many areas, though most of them are not enforced. Opening business on Saturday and Sunday is common, as most business owners are able to exercise their religious preference in this area without government interference. (However, in the end times, the Bible says this will change!)

What do you think? How should local governments deal with the fourth commandment—whether observed by some on Sunday, or on the seventh day, according to the commandment? Would permitting a group to use a public pool on Sunday or the actual Sabbath sanction Sabbath-breaking—or merely acknowledge the freedom of people to worship according to their conscience?

Learn more about blue laws here in America.

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