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Shop Robots In Germany To Get Rest Days On Sundays Just Like Humans

04/18/24  -  India Times

High Springs City Commission moves forward with Sunday alcohol sales by special permit

04/16/24  -  Alachua Chronicle

Romford Market traders hit out after Sunday closure

04/13/24  -  Romford Recorder

Your Sabbath Questions Answered

Can the true seventh day be located?
Some teach that through various calendar changes and other factors, the true seventh day of the week cannot be accurately identified. But this is simply not true. Here are four evidences that help us identify the true Sabbath today:

1. The sixth day, seventh day, first day ...

According to Scripture, Christ died on Friday, the sixth day of the week, and rose on Sunday, the first day of the week. Practically all churches acknowledge this fact when they observe Good ...
Couldn't we rest on the Sabbath but worship on Sunday?
The idea of separate rest and worship days has recently started to catch on in some circles.

For instance, singer/songwriter Michael Card and singer Steven Green have said they rest on Sabbath but worship with local congregations on Sunday. However, this was not the practice of either Jesus or the apostle Paul. They didn't rest on the Sabbath and worship on Sunday (Luke 4:16; Acts 17:1, 2). We certainly applaud these men for recognizing the biblical truth of the seventh-day Sabbath rest, but, if we are going to worship the Creator (Revelation 14:7), why not do so on the day that He himself picked out? (Genesis 2:1).

When we get someone a gift, we often pick out something that we ourselves would ...
Is it necessary to go to church on the Sabbath?
It's true that when God first instituted the Sabbath in Eden, He made no mention of going to church on that day; He just set it aside for a holy purpose, which He would expand upon at a later time. (See Genesis 2:1-3.) And in Exodus, He did indeed give us more details about the specifics of that holy day in the Ten Commandments. Still, the Ten Commandments give no instruction that we are to gather together for worship on that day. They just give guidelines on what it means to keep it holy. (See Exodus 20:8-11.)

But as we move forward in Scripture, we come across an enlightening verse in Leviticus: "Six days shall work be done, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of solemn rest, a holy convocation. You shall do no ...

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Sabbath Articles

The evidence that the early church switched the Sabbath is, at best, circumstantial and, ultimately, unsubstantiated. See why...
Is it necessary to go to church on the Sabbath?
The Sabbath Through History
Sabbath Observance Honors the Creator
Wasn't the Sabbath just a reminder of freedom from Egypt?
Weighing the Evidence, which day is the Bible Sabbath?  Saturday or Sunday?
Though the Jews were indeed entrusted with God's memorial of Creation, the Sabbath was not made for the Jews alone...
Sabbath-Keeping Christians in Ghana Face Voting Challenges
Denominal Statements on the Sabbath

Denominational Statements on the Sabbath

Sabbath means, of course, Saturday, the seventh day of the week, but the early Christians changed the observance to Sunday, to honour the day on which Christ arose from the dead.
FULTON OURSLER. Cosmopolitan, Sept. 1951, pages 34, 35.